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小 理 发 师的英文

"小 理 发 师"怎么读


  • little hairdresser
  • "小"英文翻译    small; little; petty; minor
  • "理"英文翻译    texture; grain
  • "发"英文翻译    hair
  • "师"英文翻译    teacher; master
  • "私 人 理 发 师" 英文翻译 :    private hairdresser
  • "师" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(传授知识、技术的人) teacher; master 提倡尊师爱生 advocate students respecting teachers and teachers cherishing students; 尊师重道 honour the teacher and respect his teachings; 她无师自通学会了拉丁语。 she learned latin without a master. 有其师必有其徒。 like teacher, like pupil.2.(学习的榜样) model; example 前事不忘, 后事之师。 lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future.3.(掌握专门学术或技艺的人) a person skilled in a certain profession 工程师 engineer; 技师 technician; 理发师 barber4.(对和尚的尊称) honorific title for a buddhist monk5.(由师徒关系产生的) of one's master or teacher 师母 the wife of one's teacher or master6.(军队的编制单位) division 步兵师 infantry division; 装甲师 armoured division7.(军队) troops; army 出师 dispatch troops to fight; send out an army; 雄师 powerful army; 正义之师 an army fighting for a just cause; 挥师南下 command an army to march south8.(姓氏) a surname 师伯浑 shi bohunⅡ动词[书面语] (学习; 仿效) imitate 师古 imitate the ancients; 师其所长 learn from his good points
  • "理" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(物质组织的条纹) texture; grain (in wood, skin, etc.) 木理 grain in wood;肌理 skin texture2.(道理;事理) reason; logic; truth 合理 conforming to reason; 伦理 ethics; 不近情理 unreasonable; 他不讲理。 he is not amenable to reason. 他讲的句句是理。 there is truth in every word he says.3.(自然科学, 特指物理学) natural science, esp. physics 理工大学 university of science and engineering; 数理化 mathematics, physics and chemistry4.(姓氏) a surname 理徵 li zhiⅡ动词1.(管理; 办理) manage; run; deal with 代理 act for ; 处理 deal or cope with; 理家 keep house; manage family affairs; 有要事待理 have important business to attend to2.(整理; 使整齐) put in proper order; tidy up; clean up 清理 clear up; 梳理 comb hair; arrange in proper order; 理一理房间 tidy up the rooms a bit3.(表示态度; 表示意见) take notice of; pay attention to 置之不理 pay no attention to sth.; brush sth. aside; 不要理他 take no notice of him
  • "发" 英文翻译 :    名词(头发) hair 白发 grey [white] hair; 假发 wig; false hair; 金发 blonde [golden] hair; fair hair; 理发 haircut; 毛发 hair (on the human body and head); 银发 silver hair
  • "a小" 英文翻译 :    a minor
  • "小" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(体积、面积、数量、强度等不大) small; little; petty; minor 小姑娘 a little girl; 小河 stream; 小声交谈 talk low; 小问题 a minor question; 无限小 infinitesimally small; 风小些了。 the wind has dropped a little. 鞋小了点儿。 these shoes are a bit too tight. 这顶帽子我戴太小。 this hat is too small for me.2.(年纪小的; 年幼的) young 小弟弟 younger brother; 小儿子 the youngest son; 小狗 puppy; 小鸡 chick; chicken; 小猫 kitten; 小牛 calf; 一家老小 the whole family, old and young; 她比我小。 she is younger than i am.3.(谦辞, 称自己或与自己有关的人或事物) 小女 my daughter; 小婿 my son-in-lawⅡ名词1.(年级小的人) the young 妻小 wife and children; 上有老, 下有小。 there are old and young at home.2.(指妾) concubine 娶小 take [get] a concubineⅢ副词(短时间地) for a while; for a short time 小住 stay for a few days; 小坐 sit for a whileⅣ[前缀] (用于姓、名、排行等前) 小华 xiao hua; 小王 xiao wang; little wang
  • "小s" 英文翻译 :    xidi hsu
  • "魔□师" 英文翻译 :    magician
  • "【理】光轴。" 英文翻译 :    optic axis
  • "预修(理)" 英文翻译 :    preventive maintenance
  • "创始,发" 英文翻译 :    originate
  • "发/收" 英文翻译 :    t/r transnlit/receive
  • "开 发" 英文翻译 :    website development
  • "毛, 发" 英文翻译 :    crinis; pili; pilus
  • "头 发" 英文翻译 :    rudy a
  • "传道员(师)" 英文翻译 :    catechist
  • "党卫军“帝国”师" 英文翻译 :    ss-dr 'das reich' waffen-ss unit
  • "党卫军“维京”师" 英文翻译 :    ss-w 'wiking' waffen-ss unit
  • "党卫军“骷髅”师" 英文翻译 :    ss-t 'totenkopf' waffen-ss unit
  • "机械化(步兵)师" 英文翻译 :    mechanized division
  • "聘 设 计 师" 英文翻译 :    vacancies for designer position
小 理 发 师的英文翻译,小 理 发 师英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译小 理 发 师,小 理 发 师的英文意思,小 理 發 師的英文小 理 发 师 meaning in English小 理 發 師的英文小 理 发 师怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。